Project’s publications
Galanidou, N. 2020. Re-inventing public Archaeology in Greece. In: Christofilopoulou, A. (ed.), Material Cultures in Public Engagement: Re-inventing Public Archaeology within Museum collections. Oxbow Books, Oxford, 77-93.
Tsakanikou, P., Galanidou, N., Sakellariou, D. 2020. Palaeolithic archaeology and submerged landscapes in Greece: The current state of the art. Quaternary International (published online 3 June 2020).
Sakellariou, D. & Galanidou, Ν. 2017. Aegean Pleistocene Landscapes Above and Below Sea-Level: Palaeogeographic Reconstruction and Hominin Dispersals. In: Baily, G.N., Harff, J., Sakellariou, D. (eds.), Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf. Coastal Research Library, 20, Springer, Cham., 335-359.
Galanidou, N., Athanassas, C., Cole, J., Iliopoulos, G., Katerinopoulos, A., Magganas, A., McNabb, J. 2016. The Acheulian Site at Rodafnidia, Lisvori, on Lesbos, Greece: 2010–2012. In: Harvati, Κ. & Roksandic, Μ. (eds.), Paleoanthropology of the Balkans and Anatolia. Springer, Dordrecht, 119-138.
Sakellariou, D. & Galanidou, N. 2016. Pleistocene submerged landscapes and Palaeolithic archaeology in the tectonically active Aegean region. In: Harff, J., Baily, G. & Lüth, F. (eds.), Geology and Archaeology: Submerged Landscapes of the Continental Shelf. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 411(1), 145-178 (published online July 2015).
Galanidou, N. 2014. Advances in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology of Greece for the new millennium. Pharos, 20(1), 1-40.
Galanidou, N., Cole, J., Iliopoulos, G., McNabb, J. 2013. East meets West: the Middle Pleistocene site of Rodafnidia on Lesvos, Greece. Antiquity, 87(336).
Galanidou, N. 2013. Looking for the first inhabitants of the Aegean: The Palaeolithic excavation at Rodafnidia Lisvori on Lesbos. In: Alvanou Μ. (ed.) Island Identities. Mytilene, 15-17.
Relevant PhD/Μaster’s/Undergraduate dissertations
Beka. G. 2018. Human origins and evolution and local identity: the contribution of Palaeolithic archaeology. Graduate dissertation, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete (in greek).
Karkazi, E. 2018. Raw materials used for the production of knapped stone tools in Palaeolithic Greece: properties, sources and economy. PhD Dissertation. Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete (in greek).
Papadaki, A. 2015. Stratigraphic and micropalaeontological study of Pleistocene sediments from the Palaeolithic site, Rodafnidia, Lisvori, Lesvos Island. Undergraduate dissertation, Geology Department, University of Patras (in greek).
Tsakanikou, P. 2020. Hominin movement and occupation spatial patterns in Eastern and North-Eastern Mediterranean during the Lower Palaeolithic: the Aegean Perspective. Center for the Archaeology of Human Origins, University of Southampton.
Relevant publications
Boëda, E. 1994. Le concept Levallois: variabilité des méthodes. Monographie du CRA 9. CNRS, Paris.
Carbonell, E. & Mosquera, M. 2006. The emergence of a symbolic behaviour: the sepulchral pit of Sima de los Huesos, Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 5(1-2), 155-160.
Clark, G. 1969. World Prehistory: A New Synthesis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Cook, J. 2013. Ice Age Art: arrival of the Modern Mind. The British Museum Press, London.
Goren-Inbar, N., Alperson-Afil, N., Gonen, S., Herzinger, G. 2018. The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov Volume IV: The Lithic Assemblages. Springer.
Harisis, H.B, Durand, P., Axiotis, M., Harisis, T.B. 2000. Traits of Palaeolithic Settlement on Lesbos. Archaeology and Arts, 76, 83–87 (in Greek)
Kohn, Μ. & Mithen, S. 1999. Handaxes: Products of Sexual Selection? Antiquity, 73, 518-526.
Kuman, K. 2014. Acheulean Industrial Complex. In: Smith, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, New York. DOI:
Roe, D. 1981. The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Periods in Britain. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
Sharon, G. & Beaumont, P. 2006. Victoria West: a highly standardized prepared core technology. In: Goren-Inbar, N. & Sharon, G. (eds.), Axe age: Acheulian toolmaking from Quarry to Discard. Equinox, London, 181-200.
Sharon, G. 2007. Acheulian Large Flake Industries: Technology, Chronology and Significance. British Archaeological Reports IS 1701.Oxford.
Stout, D., Bril, B., Roux, V., DeBeaune, S., Gowlett, J., Keller, C., Stout, D. 2002. Skill and cognition in stone tool production: an ethnographic case study from Irian Jaya. Current anthropology, 43(5), 693-722.
Wynn, T. & Gowlett, J. 2018. The handaxe reconsidered. Evolutionary Anthropology, 27(1), 21-29.