Funding – Sponsors

The vision of the Palaeolithic Lesbos Project is embraced and supported by public-sector institutional and government funding bodies, as well as private and non-profit institution sponsorships.

Research is funded by the University of Crete, the Secretariat General for the Aegean and Island Policy of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, the Municipality of Lesbos, the Municipality of West Lesbos, the Region of North Aegean, the J. F. Costopoulos Foundation (2016, 2017) and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Travelling sponsorships have been granted by Aegean Airlines, Hellenic Seaways and ANEK Lines/Blue Star Ferries.

Valuable scientific and logistical support throughout the project has been offered by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Lesbos, its directors Mrs Christianna Loupou and Dr Pavlos Triantafillidis, and the staff. The Local Council of Lisvori and its headman Mr Theodoros Chatzipanagiotis, together with the Agricultural and Cultural Association of Lisvori and its president Mrs Maria Dousia, the Monastery of Damandri and Abbot Michael, and the people of Lisvori have all provided warm hospitality and significant technical support. 

© Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα Παλαιολιθική Λέσβος 2023

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