Public Archaeology

Public archaeology aims to actively engage the local community and stakeholders with the research team and process. This action is a fundamental aspect of the Palaeolithic Lesbos Project. During the excavation campaigns, the trenches and the archaeology lab – hosted in the Lisvori Elementary School – are both open to visitors, in an original experiment of extroversion and interaction. Through a series of open events, the archaeological team communicates with and answers to the wider audience of the village, the island, and Greece about the progress of the investigation and the archaeological finds. The team also participates in public initiatives raising awareness of cultural heritage protection. As part of a master’s dissertation and a PhD thesis, ethnographic research is in progress, exploring the dynamic relationship between the local agricultural community and the new archaeological asset now being revealed. 

Palaeolithic Lesbos is my pride’ an interview by Nena Galanidou in the Conversations in Human Evolution, January 2021

Palaeolithic investigation in Lisvori: why is this of interest? Ν. Galanidou, Cultural Association of Vrisa Lesbos in Athens, Athens, December 2019

The Lisvori excavation – A vision for sustainable development, Ν. Galanidou, Association of Mesopotamos Lesbos “Anagenisi”, Athens, March 2019

Palaeolithic research in Lisvori and its significance for the development of the wider area of Polichnitos, Ν. Galanidou, Polikentro Polichnitos, August 2018

Fears, dreams and migrations, Ν. Galanidou, TEDx Lesbos, December 2016

First people on the Greek islands, Palaeontology, Prehistoric Archaeology, N. Galanidou, Goulandris Natural History Museum & Palaeontology and Geology Museum-National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Palaeontological Museum of Rethymno, August 2016

Lesbos and the Gulf of Kalloni half million years ago, Ν. Galanidou, event celebrating 2400 years from the birth of Aristotle, Kalloni Environmental Information Centre, Skala Kalloni, August 2016

Research progress in the archaeological site of Rodafnidia Lisvori, N. Galanidou, Enhancement and promotion of the cultural and natural heritage and the local agricultural production of Lisvori, Municipality Theatre of Mytilene, September 2015

Public archaeology and prehistoric research in the Aegean, Ν. Galanidou, KYTHNIA 2015, Scientific and Cultural Centre for the Aegean, Kythnos, August 2015

Looking for the first inhabitants of Europe in Rodafnidia Lesbos, Ν. Galanidou, TEDx Heraklion, February 2014

2012-2014 Palaeolithic excavation in Rodafnidia Lisvori, Lesbos. A vision for Lisvori, Ν. Galanidou, Elementary school building, Lisvori, August 2014

Updating the residents of Lisvori on the excavation results, Ν. Galanidou, Lisvori Marketplace , July 2013

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