Palaeolithic Seminar

The Palaeolithic Seminar (2015-2018) was a joint initiative of the University of Crete and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Departments of History and Archaeology), the Palaeolithic Seminar (2015-2018) aimed to bring Palaeolithic Archaeology closer to its specialist and wider audience. It was a forum where the results of recent work in the field and the current theoretical trends within the discipline were presented and discussed by researchers and academics from Greece and abroad. Thanks to a sponsorship by the Bodossaki Foundation a large number of seminars are now available online on BLOD (Bodossaki Lectures on Demand). Special thanks are also due to the director of the British School at Athens, Professor John Bennet, for offering hospitality to speakers.


Palaeolithic Seminar 2017-18

Palaeolithic Seminar 2016-17

Palaeolithic Seminar 2015-16

Filmed presentations

Maria-Rita Palombo, “Hominins and Elephants in the Pleistocene: a Lesson from the Mediterranean”

Nena Galanidou, “Neandertals in the Ionian Sea”

Marco Peresani, “Exploring the Middle/Upper Palaeolithic transition in southern Europe: a View from the north of Italy”

Leore Grosman, “The Natufian culture: the harbinger of food-producing societies

John Gowlett, “Fire and humanity: the greatest discovery after language”

Chronis Tzadakis, “Unlocking the mysteries of the Ice Age”

Paolo Biagi & Nikos Efstartiou, “Middle Palaeolithic highland zone exploitation of the northern Pindos of Western Macedonia”

Sylvie Beries “The Roc-aux-Sorciers shelter, a palaeolithic site and its exceptional sculptures

Javier Baena-Preysler, “The Lower and Middle Paleolithic in Madrid (Spain): recent discoveries”

Nena Galanidou, “Lesbos half a million years ago: the archaeological evidence from Rodafnidia, Lisvori”

Andreas Darlas, “100,000 years of Mani prehistory: the cultures of the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic”

Geoff Bailey, “Submerged landscapes and hominin dispersals: a world perspective”

Naama Goren-Inbar, “The Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov, Israel:environment, hominin culture, subsistence and adaptation”

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