Press – Media

Press and Media for the Palaeolithic Lesbos Project

Television footage

N. Galanidou-The Acheulean culture and its finds on Lesbos (26 June 2022, ERT)

Palaeolithic Lesbos”: Rodafnidia in the course of the human presence (8 March 2021, SKAI)

Important finds during the ninth year of research on Palaeolithic Lesbos (14 December 2020, ΕRΤ)

Lesbos: Unique finds from the Lower Palaeolithic period (16 August 2018, ΕRΤ3)


Nena Galanidou on the radio show “Blue like an orange” (22 March 2021, Proto Program ERT)

Knowing our history: from the big bang to the history of Europe (SKAI 100,3 FM)

From the big bang to the history of Europe 1 March 2020

From the big bang to the history of Europe 8 March 2020

From the big bang to the history of Europe 15 March 2020

From the big bang to the history of Europe 22 March 2020

The excavation in Rodafnidia, Lisvori, Lesbos (23 November 2017, The Third Programme ERT)


The Acheulean tradition at the focus of an international conference on Lesbos (5 August 2022, ELEUTHEROS TYPOS)

The Acheulean tradition at the focus of an international conference on Lesbos (30 June 2022, Archaeology and Arts)

The Acheulean tradition at the focus of an international conference on Lesbos (30 June, Zougla)

Public Archaeology: International Conference on Lesbos entitled “Aegean Acheulean at the Eurasian Crossroads. Hominin settlement in Eurasia” (29 June 2022, DIAZOMA)

The Acheulean tradition at the focus of an international conference on Lesbos – Three researchers share their views with APE-MPE on the significance of the Rodafnidia archaeological site (28 June 2022, APE-MPE)

500.000 years old stone tools found at Lisvori! (28 June 2022, STO NISI)

International conference on the ancient cultural tradition of the Aegean – The Acheulean culture and its finds on Lesbos (25 June 2022, ERT)

The Acheulean tradition at the focus of an international conference on Lesbos (29 June 2022,

The Aegean as a passage to Eurasia (25 June 2022, TA NEA)

The acheulean “smart phone” at Rodafnidia (25 June 2022, STO NISI)

International Conference 25-30 June on the Aegean Acheulean tradition at the Eurasian crossroads! (24 June 2022,

International Conference on the Aegean Acheulean tradition at the Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production (24 June 2022,

10 years of research at Rodafnidia – International Conference 25-30 June 2022 on the Aegean Acheulean tradition at the Eurasian crossroads! (25 June 2022,

Lesbos at the focus of Archaeology (Polichniatikos Logos)

Celebrating 10 years of systematic archaeological investigation at Rodafnidia on Lesbos (13 August 2021, APE-MPE)

Palaeolithic Lesbos Archaeological Project: 10 years of systematic research at Rodafnidia (13 August 2021, LEFT.GR)

Lesbos: a synergy between archaeology and music (11 August 2021, KATHIMERINI)

A new planning contract signed between the University of Crete and the Municipality of Western Lesbos (22 July 2021)

Planning contract signed for the continuation of the archaeological research at Rodafnidia (12 July 2022, LESVOSVOICE)

10 years at Rodafnidia: the earliest evidence for the human presence in the Aegean (23 June 2021, STO NISI)

Rodafnidia in the course of the human presence (8 March 2021, STO NISI)

8th of March – International Women’s Day dedicated to Nena Galanidou by the Federation of Lesbos Associations in Athens (O.L.S.A.) (8 March 2021, Embros)

Ten years completed for the project “Palaeolithic Lesbos” – Rodafnidia in the course of the human presence (8 March 2021, Lesvosnews)

Vrisa residents talking about the excavation in Rodafnidia (25 January 2020, “Embros”)

Nine years of research in the Palaeolithic of Lesbos (14 December 2020, ΕRΤ)

“Rodafnidia” offers a new brand for the Gulf of Kalloni (21 Ioυνίου 2020, Lesvosnews)

The smart phone of the Acheuleans 500.000 years (17 July 2019, Sto Nisi)

The Lisvori excavation – A vision for sustainable development on Lesbos” – Event in Athens (19 February 2019, Lesvospost)

Rodafnidia Lisvori: Lesbos gaining a significant place on the map of the early Palaeolithic sites (October-December 2018, Gera)

Excavations on Lesbos: 150000 years travel back in time (02 August 2018, thetoc)

Meeting the “Acheulean” ancestors and their “multi-purpose” stone tools (2 August 2018, ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ)

When archaeology and local society forming alliances (13 Οctober 2017, Kathimerini)

The Regional Governor of the North Aegean visiting the prehistoric excavation in Lisvori (1 August 2018, ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ)

Rodafnidia, Lisvori: A development opportunity for the wider area of Polichnitos (July-August-September 2018, Polichniatikos Logos)

From Lisvori the promotion of the identity of southern Lesbos (05 October 2017, Εmprosnet)

Archaeological excavation in Lisvori, Mytilene, continues with undiminished pace (12 September 2017, CNN Greece)

Chr. Kalogirou in the Palaeolithic excavation at Lisvori, Lesbos (11 September 2017, ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ)

Immigrants offer volunteer work in the earthquake struck Lisvori (4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017, ΕΡΤ)

Archaeology of the Stone Age and the public sphere (25 January 2017, Archaeology and Arts)

Lesbos: a unique excavation throughout the Balkans in Rodafnidia: exclusive pictures (13 September 2016, Inewsgr)

Lesbos: a unique excavation throughout the Balkans in Rodafnidia (13 September 2016, ΕRΤ)

A stone tool over 200.000 years old from Lisvori, Lesbos (12 September 2016, ΕRΤ1)

Professor Ν. Galanidou in the Athenian News Agency (ΑΠΕ – ΜΠΕ) talking about the finds form Lisvori, Lesbos (5 September 2016, ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ)

Palaeolithic Lesbos finds (ΕRΤ)

A research centre envisioned through the palaeolithic finds from Rodafnidia (28 June 2016, ΕRΤ)

Lesbos on a migratory route over half million years ago (3 April 2016, ΕRΤ)

Lesbos half million years ago – Archaeological evidence form Rodafnidia Lisvori (20 March 2016, Lesvospost)

On the traces of the first people of the Aegean (Autumn 2014, Βlue Μagazine)

Lesbos: Stone tools spread on the ground (24 August 2014, Kathimerini)

Archaeology means society (13 July 2014, Kathimerini)

On the traces of the first inhabitants of Greece (10 March 2013, To Vima)

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